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Braver Angels to host ‘Depolarizing Within’ workshop on Feb. 25

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Braver Angels to host ‘Depolarizing Within’ workshop on Feb. 25

Image provided to Decaturish

Atlanta, GA — On Feb. 25, Braver Angels will hold an online Depolarizing Within workshop, designed to help Americans learn how to be more aware of their own “inner polarizer,” discover how to be critical without demonizing, dismissing, or stereotyping large swaths of the population, and absorb strategies for intervening constructively in social conversations with like-minded peers when these conversations veer into contempt and ridicule for people who hold other political views, a press release announced.

Interested members of the press should reach out to Sharyn Dowd ([email protected]) for details to observe the workshop. Registration is free at this link.

Launched in 2016, Braver Angels is a bipartisan citizen’s movement to unify America. By bringing Red and Blue Americans together into a working alliance, Braver Angels is building new ways to talk to one another, participate together in public life, and influence the direction of the nation.

“I’m excited about this workshop because my experience is that the first step toward understanding another very different point of view is preparing to listen without judgment—and that’s hard. This workshop is step one toward a more civil society.” Sharyn Dowd, Braver Angels ambassador and event promoter.

For more information about the Georgia Chapter of Braver Angels, please visit

Recent polls show that a majority of Americans feel our country is more divided than ever, and increasingly view members of the opposite political party as not just wrong—but bad people. At the same time, Americans are increasingly divided into bubbles and echo chambers with limited exposure to “the other side,” consuming news that confirms their opinions and stereotypes.

By creating opportunities for meaningful discussions, Braver Angels works to dial down the heated rhetoric that gets in the way of real conversations and accurate understanding of our differences. The objective is not to push an agenda or change participant’s minds, but rather to provide a safe place for deeper understanding.

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