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Book about Ida B. Wells written by local authors named to reading list


Book about Ida B. Wells written by local authors named to reading list

Photo provided to Decaturish

Decatur, GA — The Georgia Center for the Book has released its 2021 “Books All Georgians Should Read” list and it includes a book about Ida B. Wells written by local authors.

Passionate for Justice: Ida B. Wells as Prophet for Our Time” was written by Catherine Meeks, PhD, and Nibs Stroupe. Its foreword was written by  Stacey Abrams.

According to the “Encyclopedia of Race and Racism,” Wells was a journalist, suffragist and Civil Rights activist who was “best known for launching the nation’s first anti-lynching campaign in 1892.”

In addition, the introduction of the book is written by Wells’ great-granddaughter, Michelle Duster.

Meeks and Stroupe offer Wells “as a model for the church: a profound witness for faith-based work of resistance and resilience, and a guide for those seeking to respond to the current state of affairs in the U.S.”

To see the full reading list from the Georgia Center for the Book, click here.

“The Georgia Center for the Book believes that the ‘Books All Georgians Should Read’ and the ‘Books All Young Georgians Should Read’ lists are a wonderful way to honor the extraordinary talent of these authors and illustrators and give us the opportunity to inform readers across our state of the contributions being made to Georgia’s literary heritage,” GCB Executive Director Joe Davich said.

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