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Dear Decaturish – Decatur Cares About Climate Change

Decatur Editor's Pick

Dear Decaturish – Decatur Cares About Climate Change

Photo provided to Decaturish

This post has been updated. 

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Dear Decaturish,

On Saturday, February 26th, Decatur Cares About Climate mobilized 20 climate and energy activists from Decatur to march in the Mead Road Mardi Gras parade. Joined by Commissioner George Dusenbury, the “Climate Krewe” stopped along the path and talked with neighbors about lowering their carbon footprint and the impacts of climate change.

Decatur Cares About Climate brings together residents of Decatur and surrounding areas to challenge them to learn, advocate, and do to get involved in climate activism. So far, there are over 100 community members participating in the challenge monthly, and we want you to join us!

By activating Decatur to get involved at the individual level, we can make a difference as a collective. Lowering emissions can be as simple as switching out incandescent light bulbs for LEDs, composting leaves in the fall, and purchasing food locally. We also challenge folks to participate at the community level for a transition to clean energy, stronger tree ordinances, and local transit options.

Decatur Cares About Climate knows the work in Decatur can be stronger with support of the federal government through bold investment in climate, jobs, and justice. Joining the challenge is easy; once a month, a challenge will come to your inbox that the community will be collectively doing. Take a challenge right now and send the sign-up onto 3 of your neighbors and friends and make a difference for the ones you love!

And don’t forget to join your neighbors at the Public Integrated Planning Forum March 8th (7 AM-6:30PM) and March 9th (8AM-7PM) at the Decatur Recreation center. Our group will be gathering at 5:30 PM on March 8th to make our voices heard. For more information on the schedule for the event, visit: https://cleanenergydecatur.com/2022/02/23/what-is-the-integrated-planning-forum/

– Jillian Eller, Sierra Club Georgia Chapter Conservation Organizer

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