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Decaturish is thisclose to meeting its fall fundraising goal

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Decaturish is thisclose to meeting its fall fundraising goal

People were invited to write in chalk on the sidewalk what they learned during the Beacon Hill Black Alliance for Human Rights Decolonize Decatur Committee “Genocide Cannon on the Square” Teach-In at the “Indian War” cannon by the historic DeKalb County courthouse on Sunday, Aug. 22. Photo by Dean Hesse.

Decaturish is only $2,500 away from meeting its fall fundraising goal of $20,000 by Dec. 20.

To help us get there, click here.

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“Thanks for digging into our local events, politics, and lives. An informed community is a strong community.” — Loria

“We appreciate your thoughtful journalism!” — Amanda Jolley

“Thank you for your honest reporting and keeping us more connected to our community!” — Debi & James McNeil

We can’t do this work without you. Please contribute to our fall fundraiser today. To contribute, click here.

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