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East Lake neighborhood association supports zoning change for new 24-unit apartment complex

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East Lake neighborhood association supports zoning change for new 24-unit apartment complex

A rendering of the apartments being developed in East Lake.

By Angela Walker, contributor

Atlanta, GA — The East Lake Neighborhood Community Association during its Oct. 9 meeting voted to support a zoning change for a 24-unit apartment complex. 

Will Hudson of Hudson Development and his attorney Henry Bailey gave a presentation. Hudson proposes building a two-story, 24-unit multi-development complex at 2348 Hosea L. Williams Drive, next to the La Fonda restaurant. Hudson’s attorney, Bailey, shared full-color site plans of the project and requested that ELNCA vote to approve the zoning change from R-4 to C-1 and amend the Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) zoning for the lot. 

Bailey shared details about the size and scope of the project. 

“The height of the building is designed to align with the heights of residential buildings around 2nd Ave. and Hosea L. Williams. Access to the building is along Hosea L. Williams Dr., with a fire lane along the left side of the property,” Bailey said. “The house next door is buffered with a distance between the property line and the actual building itself, and significant vegetation and landscaping along this side of the property.” 

Hudson added, “We met with neighbors and members of ELNCA to ensure we align with the neighborhood interests and fit East Lake’s CDP.”

Some residents voiced concerns about parking and traffic in the densely populated neighborhood. 

“Parking for the facility will be on the ground floor with a 21-foot wide access area. The parking area was designed, so it doesn’t look like a parking garage,” Bailey said, adding, “We have 29 parking spaces for 24 one-bedroom apartments, which exceeds the city’s parking requirement, about a 1:1 ratio.” 

After the presentation, ENCLA voted to approve the zoning change from R-4 to C-1 and amend the CDP. The proposal will go before Neighborhood Planning Unit-O NPUO at its Oct. 24 meeting, then to the city zoning board and the Atlanta City Council. 

The process should wrap up by the end of the year. If the project is approved, the 24-unit apartment building could be open by May 2025. 

In other business, Trees Atlanta plans to plant more trees around East Lake and East Lake Park. Trees Atlanta is interested in planting in the general area at 2nd Avenue next to Drew Charter School. Trees Atlanta plants a variety of tree types at churches, parks, schools, and neighborhoods. A representative from Trees Atlanta, Claire Sammons, shared information about an upcoming tree planting event at East Lake Park held on the weekend of October 13. 

After discussions with ELNCA, the park supervisor, and the city arborist, Sammons says, “we’ll have a project in East Lake Park this weekend to plant trees around the park, building on the existing tree lines, and adding trees around the clubhouse.” 

Resident Sara Jacenko raised concerns about planting trees near the retaining wall by Drew Charter that may be unstable and fall toward the sidewalk, which may be an issue. ELNCA will look at the retaining wall to determine who would be responsible for addressing the concerns of the retaining wall.  

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