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Candidate Q&A – United States House of Representatives District 13

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Candidate Q&A – United States House of Representatives District 13

U.S. House District 13

This Q&A is part of our coverage of the 2024 elections. To contribute to our election coverage fundraiser, click here.

All Decaturish elections coverage can be found at Decaturishvotes.com

U.S. House maps have changed this year due to redistricting. Please check your ballot to determine if your U.S. House district has changed. To see the new maps for United States House of Representatives districts, click here. To view your ballot for the May 21 primary election, visit the Georgia Secretary of State’s My Voter page by clicking here.

Early voting in the May 21 primary election begins on April 29.

Here are the candidate Q&As for the United States House of Representatives District 13. The answers have not been edited and are published in the order they were received. Several candidates did not respond to our Q&A. This post will be updated when they respond. Most of the candidates who responded are Democrats in the Democratic primary. One Republican in the Republican primary responded.

Democratic Candidates

Brian K. Johnson

Brian Johnson

Campaign website and social media pages: www.briankjforcongress.com

What is your occupation? Commercial Lawyer

What is the neighborhood you call home? Hampton, GA

Can you tell us anything about yourself or your life that you think is important for voters to know?

As a proud resident of Georgia for over 15 years, I have witnessed firsthand the diverse tapestry of our state and the opportunities and challenges it presents. With a background as a corporate lawyer and entrepreneur in the fields of technology, media, and entertainment, I bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the table. Throughout my career, I have been a tireless advocate for the underrepresented and underserved, fighting to level the playing field and empower individuals against entrenched interests. My passion for advocating for the “little guy” has been the driving force behind my work, from providing legal counsel to startups and small businesses to championing causes such as economic empowerment and criminal justice reform in my community.

Why are you running for this position?

I am running for Congress as a progressive Democrat in Georgia’s 13th Congressional District to be a voice for change and equity in our community. As a seasoned lawyer who is committed to providing pro bono legal work on issues that are important to me, I am deeply committed to fighting for justice and equality for all. My extensive volunteer work on issues such as youth poverty, domestic violence, economic empowerment, and criminal justice reform has fueled my passion for social justice and inspired my decision to enter politics. I believe that the Democratic Party is in need of generational change, and as an anti-establishment candidate, I am dedicated to bringing fresh perspectives and bold ideas to the table. I am stepping forward to lead the conversation on generational change within the Democratic Party. Our party is at a crossroads, and it is time for fresh perspectives, bold ideas, and new leadership to move us forward. As a candidate committed to anti-establishment principles and grassroots activism, I am dedicated to provoking a dialogue that elevates the voices of everyday Georgians and puts their needs front and center.

If elected, what are your top two or three priorities?

1. Bringing economic activity and opportunities to my district 2. Economic Inequality 3. Voting Rights

Why are you a better candidate than your opponents?

I stand out as a candidate who refuses to be beholden to corporate interests or special interests. Unlike my opponents, I am not taking PAC money or funds from big corporations, ensuring that I am accountable only to the people I seek to represent. As the anti-establishment candidate in this race, I am unapologetically committed to shaking up the status quo and challenging the entrenched power structures that have long dominated politics. While my opponents adhere to the traditional Democratic playbook, I offer a fresh and bold approach that recognizes the realities of our changing political landscape. It is clear that the Democratic Party is losing support among white, African American, and Latino voters, and my opponents have failed to offer meaningful solutions to address this alarming trend. As an unabashed and unapologetic Democrat, I am running on traditional Democratic values of fairness, equality, and justice, and I am committed to building a party that truly represents and uplifts all Americans, regardless of race or background.

What, in your opinion, is the role of a member of the United States House of Representatives?

The focus of each member of the U.S. Representatives should be centered on serving the people and bringing tangible resources and support to their districts. House members must prioritize the needs and concerns of their constituents above all else, acting as vocal advocates for their communities in the halls of Congress. This includes actively listening to the voices of ordinary Americans, understanding their struggles, and fighting tirelessly to address their most pressing issues, whether it be access to affordable healthcare, economic opportunities, or infrastructure improvements. Additionally, House members should be proactive in securing federal funding and resources for their districts, ensuring that local projects and initiatives receive the support they need to thrive. By leveraging their position to bring resources back to their communities, representatives can empower their constituents and strengthen the social and economic fabric of their districts, ultimately fulfilling their populist mandate to serve the people.

Who is the elected official (past or present) you most admire, and why do you admire them? 

John Lewis. John Lewis’s decision to sacrifice his comfort and safety for the greater good is a testament to his profound sense of duty and dedication to civil rights. He willingly gave up the comforts of a productive and prosperous life to pursue equality and justice for all Americans. His willingness to put his life on the line, time and time again, in the pursuit of change is a powerful example of selflessness and courage. His legacy serves as a reminder of the transformative power of humility, grace, and unwavering commitment in the fight for a more just and equitable society.

What, in your opinion, is the most critical issue facing the United States of America right now? What is your proposal for addressing it?

The most critical issue facing the United States of America right now is income inequality. Income inequality not only undermines the economic stability and well-being of millions of Americans but also poses a significant threat to the very foundation of our democracy. The growing gap between the wealthiest individuals and the rest of society exacerbates social divisions, undermines social mobility, and erodes trust in government institutions. Addressing income inequality requires bold and comprehensive action to ensure that all Americans have access to economic opportunity and upward mobility. To address income inequality, I propose a multi-faceted approach that includes implementing policies to promote fair wages, strengthen workers’ rights, and expand access to education and training. This includes raising the federal minimum wage to a living wage, ensuring equal pay for equal work, and strengthening collective bargaining rights for workers. Additionally, I support investing in education and job training programs to equip workers with the skills they need to succeed in today’s economy. Furthermore, I advocate for progressive tax reform to ensure that the wealthiest individuals and corporations pay their fair share, while providing targeted tax relief to working families. By addressing income inequality head-on, we can create a more just, equitable, and prosperous society for all Americans.

If elected, how will you work with members of the opposite party to accomplish your goals?

While I may have policy differences with members of the opposite party, I firmly believe that finding common ground and working across the aisle is essential to effective governance. I will prioritize open communication, mutual respect, and a willingness to listen to differing viewpoints, recognizing that constructive dialogue and compromise are essential components of the legislative process.

If you are elected, what committees would you like to be a member of?

Agriculture, Ways and Means, and Judiciary

What is your opinion of the current United States Supreme Court? Do you think any reforms are needed, and if so, what reforms would you support?

I am deeply concerned about the current state of the United States Supreme Court. While the Court plays a vital role in upholding the rule of law and safeguarding our democratic principles, recent decisions and actions have raised serious questions about its legitimacy and independence. The Court’s apparent willingness to engage in naked power grabs and overtly political decisions threatens to undermine public trust in our judicial system and erode the credibility of the highest court in the land. In light of these concerns, I believe that reforms to the Supreme Court are urgently needed to restore its integrity and ensure its effectiveness as a guardian of justice. One potential reform that I support is the implementation of age limits and term limits for Supreme Court justices. By establishing reasonable limits on justices’ tenure, we can prevent the Court from becoming overly politicized and ensure that new perspectives are regularly brought to the bench. Additionally, term limits would help mitigate the risk of justices serving for excessively long periods, thereby reducing the potential for ideological entrenchment and enhancing the Court’s accountability to the American people. These reforms are essential to preserving the Supreme Court’s vital role in our democracy and upholding the principles of fairness, impartiality, and justice for all.

Should there be term limits for all federal elected officials?

Absolutely yes, there is no reason or benefit for Americans, when elected officials hold on to power forever. It’s outrageous and anti-democratic.

What is your opinion of the Israel-Hamas War?

I believe that Israel, like any nation, has the right to defend itself and its citizens from security threats. However, it is crucial to distinguish between legitimate self-defense and actions that result in disproportionate harm to civilians. Israel use of excessive force and the targeting of civilian infrastructure must be condemned, as they exacerbate human suffering and deepen the cycle of violence. At the same time, Hamas’s use of indiscriminate terror attacks against Israeli civilians is unacceptable and constitutes terrorism. Both sides must prioritize the protection of civilian lives and work towards a peaceful resolution through dialogue, negotiation, and respect for international law.

What is your opinion of the Russo-Ukrainian War?

The invasion of Ukraine by Russia represents a flagrant violation of international law and the sovereignty of a sovereign nation. The aggression perpetrated by Russia has resulted in devastating human suffering, loss of life, and displacement of innocent civilians. I believe it is crucial for the United States to provide unwavering support to Ukraine and its people during this challenging time. This includes providing humanitarian aid, economic assistance, and diplomatic support to help Ukraine defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity. Additionally, the United States must work closely with its allies and partners to impose strong and effective sanctions on Russia, targeting key individuals and entities responsible for the aggression, in order to deter further escalation of the conflict. As a candidate for Congress, I am committed to advocating for a robust and principled American response to the Russia-Ukraine war that upholds our values of democracy, human rights, and international law.

What is your opinion of President Joe Biden?

Overall, I am encouraged by President Biden’s efforts to advance racial equity and social justice, including his executive actions on criminal justice reform and addressing systemic racism. However, I believe there is still much work to be done in this area, particularly in terms of addressing economic inequality, healthcare access, and voting rights. As a progressive, I am also concerned about the influence of corporate interests and the role of money in politics, and I hope to see President Biden take stronger steps to address these issues. Overall, while I acknowledge President Biden’s efforts to move the country forward, I believe there is still room for improvement and continued advocacy for progressive policies.

As local cities and counties in Georgia grapple with housing affordability and housing diversity, what do you think Congress could do to support more access to affordable housing in the state and across the nation?

Congress has a crucial role to play in supporting access to affordable housing. One key step Congress can take is to increase funding for federal housing assistance programs, such as the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program and the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit, which help low-income individuals and families afford safe and stable housing. Additionally, Congress can support policies to incentivize the development of affordable housing, such as expanding funding for the construction of affordable housing units and providing tax incentives for developers to build affordable housing in high-cost areas. Congress can also address barriers to affordable housing by implementing policies to combat housing discrimination and promote fair housing practices. This includes strengthening enforcement of the Fair Housing Act and providing resources for local governments to address housing discrimination and segregation. Additionally, Congress can invest in programs to provide housing counseling and assistance to help individuals and families navigate the housing market and secure affordable housing options. By taking these steps, Congress can help ensure that all Americans have access to safe, affordable, and stable housing, regardless of income or background.

How will you work to bring federal resources, like community project funding or other funding opportunities, to the communities in your district?

One of my top priorities will be to ensure that the communities in my district have access to the federal resources they need to thrive. This includes advocating for and securing funding through various federal programs, such as community project funding, grants, and other funding opportunities. I will work closely with local leaders, stakeholders, and community members to identify the most pressing needs and priorities in our district. Once priorities are identified, I will leverage my position in Congress to advocate for federal funding and resources to support projects and initiatives that will benefit our district. including dollars for infrastructure improvements, economic development projects, healthcare facilities, education programs, and other critical needs.

Do you think student loans should be forgiven? Why or why not?

As a progressive Democrat, I believe that addressing the student loan debt crisis is essential to promoting economic justice and expanding opportunities for all Americans. Student loan forgiveness is a crucial component of this effort, as it provides much-needed relief to millions of borrowers burdened by high levels of debt. Student loan forgiveness not only helps individuals struggling to make ends meet but also stimulates economic growth by freeing up resources for borrowers to invest in homes, businesses, and other critical needs. Student loan forgiveness is a matter of equity and fairness, as it helps to address systemic disparities in access to higher education and opportunity. Many borrowers, particularly those from low-income and marginalized communities, face disproportionate barriers to accessing higher education and are disproportionately burdened by student loan debt. By providing targeted relief to these borrowers, we can help level the playing field and ensure that all Americans have an equal opportunity to pursue their educational and economic aspirations.

The fiscal year 2025 budget proposes expanding the child tax credit to $3,000 for children six years and older, and to $3,600 per child for children under age six. Do you think this child tax credit should be expanded to what was in place during the COVID-19 pandemic? Why or why not?

The expansion of the child tax credit to $3,000 for children six years and older, and $3,600 per child for children under age six, represents a significant step towards providing much-needed support to families with children. As a Democrat committed to advocating for policies that promote economic security and opportunity for all families, I believe that we must explore every avenue to provide meaningful support to families, especially during times of economic hardship. The enhanced child tax credit implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic was instrumental in providing critical financial assistance to millions of families, lifting many children out of poverty and reducing economic inequality. While I support the proposed expansion of the child tax credit in the fiscal year 2025 budget, I also believe that we should consider further enhancements to ensure that all families have the resources they need to thrive. This may include exploring options to restore or even increase the child tax credit to levels seen during the pandemic, as well as exploring other policy measures to address the unique challenges facing families in today’s economic climate.

If you are elected, how would you work with your colleagues to address inflation?

Inflation is a complex economic challenge that requires careful consideration and collaborative action to address effectively. I am committed to working across the aisle to find common ground and develop pragmatic solutions that prioritize the needs of the American people. One approach to addressing inflation involves targeted fiscal policies aimed at stimulating economic growth and stabilizing prices. This could include investments in infrastructure, education, and workforce development to boost productivity and increase supply capacity, thus alleviating inflationary pressures. Furthermore, I am open to exploring other policy measures, such as targeted tax incentives or regulatory reforms, that can help address specific drivers of inflation, such as supply chain disruptions or rising energy prices.

If elected, do you promise to conduct yourself in an ethical and transparent manner? What will you do to promote ethics and transparency in government?

If elected, I will uphold the highest standards of integrity and transparency in my actions as a public servant. To promote ethics and transparency in government, I will take several concrete steps. First and foremost, I will ensure that my office operates with utmost transparency by making information about my activities, decisions, and finances readily accessible to the public. This includes disclosing campaign contributions, expenditures, and potential conflicts of interest in a timely and comprehensive manner. Additionally, I will advocate for legislation that enhances transparency and accountability in government at all levels. This includes supporting measures to strengthen ethics laws, increase disclosure requirements for elected officials and government agencies, and improve access to public records and meetings. Furthermore, I will prioritize efforts to root out corruption and unethical behavior by supporting robust oversight mechanisms and whistleblower protections. I believe that fostering a culture of ethics and transparency in government is essential to maintaining public trust and ensuring that elected officials remain accountable to the people they serve. I am committed to leading by example and working tirelessly to promote openness, honesty, and integrity in all aspects of government.

Karen Rene

Karen Rene

Campaign website and social media pages: www.electkarenrene.com

What is your occupation? Former Georgia State Working Families Director

What is the neighborhood you call home? East Point, Georgia.

Can you tell us anything about yourself or your life that you think is important for voters to know?
Karen Rene’ is a dynamic and experienced political leader and activist from Selma, Alabama. She has a proven track record of championing civil rights and social justice, served as the 2nd Vice. President and Programs Director for the Atlanta NAACP and served as State Former Director of the Georgia Working Families Party. With a background in political science from Alabama State University and a law degree from Atlanta Law School, Rene’ . Karen has served as an elected City Council member and later Mayor Pro Tem for the City of East Point for ten years.

Why are you running for this position?

Karen Rene’ is running for Congress in District 13 with a wealth of experience and education, poised to deliver exceptional service to the district. With a decade of service as a city council member and Mayor Pro Tem, Karen Rene’ has established a reputation for honesty, integrity, and garnering respect from both constituents and political leaders alike. Her proven track record as a strong leader equips her to deftly navigate complex situations and effectively represent her constituents. Karen Rene’ excels in building coalitions and fostering collaboration, a skill set that sets her apart. She champions a belief in the power of collaboration to enhance communities, valuing inclusivity and transparent problem-solving with community input. Her strengths lie in actively listening to constituents, providing thoughtful solutions, understanding key issues, and actively engaging with communities. Driven by a profound commitment to public service, Karen Rene’ stands ready to leverage her skills and experience to serve District 13 diligently and effectively, advocating for the needs and interests of her constituents while working tirelessly to build stronger, more vibrant communities.

If elected, what are your top two or three priorities?

1 Economic development is a priority, including job creation, wage growth, access to affordable healthcare, and overall economic stability. As your Congress members I will support policies that promote economic prosperity, including providing funding back to the district for aging infrastructure. To help create opportunities for all, and address income inequality. Inflation is a major factor for residents. As your congress person we can use fiscal policy tools such as tax and spending policies to help manage inflation. By enacting responsible fiscal policies that promote economic growth. 2. Healthcare is a critical issue for many, who seek access to affordable, high-quality healthcare for themselves and their families. I will help support healthcare policies that ensure access to care, reduce healthcare costs, protect coverage for pre-existing conditions, and improve the overall healthcare system. Especially for patients who need long term assistant care. 3. Education is another top priority, Karen Rene’ values access to quality education for all individuals, from early childhood education to higher education. Our residents will expect me as their Congress members to support policies that improve schools, increase access to affordable college education, and trade schools to ensure that students have the skills they need to succeed in the workforce. As your Congress member, I understand the diverse needs of our constituents and I will work to address the broad range of issues to best serve the different communities in the Congressional District 13.

Why are you a better candidate than your opponents?

Karen Rene’ has a diverse background that has prepared her well for serving as a Congressional Representative in Georgia’s 13th District. Here are some key experiences and qualifications that have shaped her for this role: 1. **Civil Rights and Social Justice Advocate**: Throughout my career, I have been dedicated to championing civil rights and social justice causes. This firsthand experience is essential for understanding and addressing the unique needs of the 13th District’s constituents at the federal level. 2. **Leadership in Advocacy Organizations**: My roles as the 2nd Vice President and Programs Director at the Atlanta NAACP and as the State Director of the Georgia Working Families Party have provided me with invaluable leadership experience in advocating for marginalized communities and fighting for social and economic justice. 3. **Educational Foundation**: My studies in political science at Alabama State University and my law degree from Atlanta Law School have equipped me with a solid educational background. This foundation allows me to grasp complex legislative issues and make well-informed decisions as a Congressional Representative. 4. **Public Service Commitment**: Having served as an elected City Council member and later as Mayor Pro Tem in East Point, I have gained practical experience in local government. These hands-on experiences have honed my skills and prepared me to navigate the complexities of federal legislative work effectively.

What, in your opinion, is the role of a member of the United States House of Representatives?

As a member of the House of Representatives the duties would include participating in the legislative process, conducting oversight of the executive branch, providing constituent services, serving on committees, and most importantly engaging with constituents to address residents concerns and advocating for the interest of my district.

Who is the elected official (past or present) you most admire, and why do you admire them? 

I admire Congressman John Lewis as the examplenary elected official of all times. In fact Congressman John Lewis encouraged me to run for city council of East Point. He provided insight, advice and short talks. He asked that I serve our communities with dignity, respect and provide great service. Congressman Lewis was widely admired for his lifelong dedication to civil rights, social justice, and nonviolent activism. His steadfast commitment to equality, fairness, and human rights served as a powerful source of inspiration for numerous individuals. Known for his courage, moral integrity, and fearless advocacy, John Lewis earned respect for his tireless efforts on behalf of marginalized communities and his unrelenting pursuit of justice. Through his leadership in the Civil Rights Movement and his extensive public service, he exemplified a profound belief in the transformative power of love, compassion, and nonviolent resistance in driving meaningful change. John Lewis’s humility, warmth, and exceptional ability to connect with people on a personal level endeared him to many, establishing him as a cherished figure not only within his district but across the nation.

What, in your opinion, is the most critical issue facing the United States of America right now? What is your proposal for addressing it?

Economic inequality, and Inflation, including income disparity and wealth concentration, remains a major concern in the United States. Proposals to address this issue include implementing fair tax policies, increasing access to education and job training, raising the minimum wage, and supporting small businesses and workers.

If elected, how will you work with members of the opposite party to accomplish your goals?

Political polarization and societal division have hindered effective governance and collaboration on critical issues. Proposals to address this issue include promoting civil discourse, fostering bipartisanship, strengthening democratic institutions, and encouraging unity and understanding among diverse communities.

If you are elected, what committees would you like to be a member of?

Education and Labor Committee, Agriculture Committee, Armed Service Committee

What is your opinion of the current United States Supreme Court? Do you think any reforms are needed, and if so, what reforms would you support?

1. Term limits: This could help reduce the perception of the Court being overly politicized and increase opportunities for new perspectives. 2. Confirmation process changes: I would argue that the current confirmation process for Supreme Court justices has become highly partisan and politicized. 3. Judicial ethics and recusal: I would advocate for stricter rules and regulations regarding judicial ethics and recusal. This would aim to address concerns about potential conflicts of interest or bias among Supreme Court justices.

Should there be term limits for all federal elected officials?


What is your opinion of the Israel-Hamas War?

Cease Fire

What is your opinion of the Russo-Ukrainian War?

I believe United States should participate in this war because this appears to be a hostile/ unwarranted take-over and eventually Russo will be in our back door.

What is your opinion of President Joe Biden?

I think he’s doing a great job with the hand he was dealt.

As local cities and counties in Georgia grapple with housing affordability and housing diversity, what do you think Congress could do to support more access to affordable housing in the state and across the nation?

Stop Wall Street Giants from buying up properties in communities to drive up the cost.

How will you work to bring federal resources, like community project funding or other funding opportunities, to the communities in your district?

As a member of Congress representing District 13, there are several steps you can take to bring federal resources, such as community project funding and other opportunities, to your district: 1. Establish connections with federal agencies: Build relationships with key officials and staff members in federal agencies that oversee funding programs relevant to your district. 2. Advocate for your district’s priorities: Use your position in Congress to advocate for the funding priorities of your district. 3. Develop relationships with federal representatives: Cultivate strong relationships with your fellow members of Congress, including senators and representatives from other districts or states. 4. Stay informed about funding opportunities: Keep a close eye on federal funding programs and grants that align with the needs of your district. 5. Engage with local stakeholders: Foster partnerships with local community organizations, nonprofits, and business leaders in your district. 6. Assist with grant applications: Provide guidance and assistance to local organizations and community groups in your district in navigating the grant application process. 7. Stay connected with your constituents: Remember, bringing federal resources to your district requires a proactive and collaborative approach.

Do you think student loans should be forgiven? Why or why not?


The fiscal year 2025 budget proposes expanding the child tax credit to $3,000 for children six years and older, and to $3,600 per child for children under age six. Do you think this child tax credit should be expanded to what was in place during the COVID-19 pandemic? Why or why not?


If you are elected, how would you work with your colleagues to address inflation?


If elected, do you promise to conduct yourself in an ethical and transparent manner? What will you do to promote ethics and transparency in government?


Republican Candidates

Jonathan Chavez

Jonathan Chavez

Campaign website and social media pages: https://www.chavezforcongress.com/

What is your occupation? Business Owner

What is the neighborhood you call home? Rockdale

Can you tell us anything about yourself or your life that you think is important for voters to know?

I am a decorated veteran that served in the United States Air Force medical field for over 23 years including tours in Iraq. While in Iraq, I was the non-commissioned officer in charge of a joint service medical team of 12 members I led through over 400 trauma situations in support of the largest forward deployed Air Force Theater Hospital since the Vietnam War in a combat environment. Recognized as the subject matter expert in the Iraqi Area of Responsibility, I was personally requested by the medical commander at a local forward operating base (FOB) in Iraq for a mission to instruct other medical technicians in radiography. Because of my efforts in Iraq, my command awarded me the Commendation Medal for Leadership and I was lauded by the Surgeon General of the Air Force, the Army Command Sergeant Major of Iraqi Forces, the Chief Trauma Surgeon in Iraq, the Chief Master Sergeant of the expeditionary Group and my Commander for exemplary leadership. I also volunteered my time in the military to serving in humanitarian missions overseas to countries that were devastated by economic decline. My direction included teaching medical care and CPR to the local population in addition to leading efforts to set up medical clinics in countries such as Ecuador to provide the local community with much needed medical care. My efforts led to receiving various Achievement Medals for directing the troops under his command. After leaving the military, i finished my Bachelors of Science at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine and went on to earn a Master’s degree from both Harvard University and Johns Hopkins University. Currently, I live in Conyers, GA with my wife and three kids where I own my own business and strive to help the community. Recently, I was Chairman of the Rockdale GOP helping organize committees and meetings. Leading the Rockdale GOP Executive committee to help bring change to the citizens of Rockdale. I have always set my standards high and have decided to utilize my skills and education to fight in Congress for the 13th district in Georgia. I will not stop fighting until a proper balance has been reached and the citizens in the 13th district and in Georgia have a leader they can rely on.

Why are you running for this position?

I want to help the people in Georgia. My whole goal is to create a better life for all of us. We need someone who actually cares for the people in the communities we live in.

If elected, what are your top two or three priorities?

1) Help correct the property income tax injustices that have been levied on the counties, to include Rockdale. 2) Decrease inflation by decreasing government spending. This will in turn help fix the economy. 3) Focus on crime reduction initiatives.

Why are you a better candidate than your opponents?

My education and experience both in the civilian sector and with the military has garnered me with the tools necessary to get the job done.

What, in your opinion, is the role of a member of the United States House of Representatives?

As one of the three branches of government, the legislative branch is responsible for passing the laws which govern the people.

Who is the elected official (past or present) you most admire, and why do you admire them?

Senator Ted Cruz and Congressman Jim Jordan

What, in your opinion, is the most critical issue facing the United States of America right now? What is your proposal for addressing it?

The fact that we have lawmakers who openly violate the constitution. We have an executive branch that uses the power of the federal government to persecute their opponents. We cannot like this to continue.

If elected, how will you work with members of the opposite party to accomplish your goals?

I believe there are moderate democrats who are uncomfortable with the state of the democrat party. With this members, we can work together to fix the state of America.

If you are elected, what committees would you like to be a member of?

I would like to serve on the Budget committee, the Ethics committee and the Armed Services committee.

What is your opinion of the current United States Supreme Court? Do you think any reforms are needed, and if so, what reforms would you support?

No reforms are needed. We just need to make sure the ones who are appointed are aligned with preserving constitutional law. It seems in some cases, some justices forget that cardinal rule.

Should there be term limits for all federal elected officials?

Yes there should be. We need fresh ideas to flow in and out of our government. If you have someone who has been in office for 20-30 years, they lose touch with what it was to be among the masses.

What is your opinion of the Israel-Hamas War?

We need peace but Hamas has never been interested in peace. They have stated this over and over. This is why they are not welcome in the other 13 Muslim countries that border Israel. Those who call for a cease fire, there was a cease fire up until October 5th, Hamas violated that cease fire.

What is your opinion of the Russo-Ukrainian War?

I support Ukraine but I also support their independence to fight their own war.

What is your opinion of President Joe Biden?*

This president has violated the constitution time and time again. He has even been told by the Supreme Court to cease operations and proposed policies and openly stated he would move forward anyway. He has been on the media stating his policy may violate the constitution but he will proceed forward anyway. Also, he has used the power of the DOJ to intimidate, threaten or possibly jail people who run against him. How can people not see how what he does is no better that any dictator.

As local cities and counties in Georgia grapple with housing affordability and housing diversity, what do you think Congress could do to support more access to affordable housing in the state and across the nation?

Loosen some regulations and restrictions for affordable housing.

How will you work to bring federal resources, like community project funding or other funding opportunities, to the communities in your district?

By working with local leaders and local government officials.

Do you think student loans should be forgiven? Why or why not?

No, everyone is responsible for their own debts. There is no such thing as forgiveness. All debts are paid either by the debtor or the person who granted the loan.

The fiscal year 2025 budget proposes expanding the child tax credit to $3,000 for children six years and older, and to $3,600 per child for children under age six. Do you think this child tax credit should be expanded to what was in place during the COVID-19 pandemic? Why or why not?

This may not be a popular answer, but the only way to reduce inflation is to curb government spending. I know people are struggling and hurting. This is due to the government spending that has occurred in the past. The only way to curb inflation is to curb spending. If we give out pandemic type aid, this will only give a small amount of relief for a very short time but the long lasting implications will only add to inflation. In theory, you would be paying back any money you get with the increased cost of inflation and more. As inflation will last much longer.

If you are elected, how would you work with your colleagues to address inflation?

By showing them how I’ll things directly affecting the American people. It seems there are many politicians who do not understand how to fight inflation. The policies they are instituting are only increasing it. They need to study the inflationary structure of 1970’s Japan or what happened in Zimbabwe with hyperinflation just recently.

If elected, do you promise to conduct yourself in an ethical and transparent manner? What will you do to promote ethics and transparency in government?

I promise to serve the people of the 13th district with honor and respect. I will uphold the highest ethical standards and promise to be as transparent as possible to this who which I hope to serve.

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