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Dear Decaturish – In support of Ana Maria Martinez for State Court Judge

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Dear Decaturish – In support of Ana Maria Martinez for State Court Judge

Ana Maria Martinez

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Dear Decaturish,

It was an honor to serve you for eleven years as your Division 6 State Court Judge. You supported me through three elections, two of which were contested. I am forever grateful for your belief in me and the work we did. Ana Maria Martinez was a key part of that work and that is why she was appointed to succeed me as judge when I retired.

Judge Martinez is a history maker. As the first and only Latina to serve as a trial court judge in Georgia, she represents the opportunity that DeKalb County provides. After working in Division 6 for more than ten years, the last two and a half of which as the judge, Ana Maria has continued the work of leading the only Spanish language DUI Court in Georgia and ensuring justice for all through removing barriers.

I am proud to support and vote for Judge Ana Maria Martinez in the May 21st Primary. I ask you to give her the same support you gave me. Vote to keep Ana Maria for Division 6 State Court Judge.

– Dax E. Lopez

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