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Dear Decaturish – In support of Rep. Saira Draper for House District 90

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Dear Decaturish – In support of Rep. Saira Draper for House District 90

State Rep. Saira Draper. Photo provided to Decaturish

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Dear Decaturish,

Republicans have put our Democratic Caucus in an awkward position. In December 2023, when creating new political maps during redistricting, they drew our colleague Rep. Becky Evans (House District 89) into the district represented by our other colleague, Rep. Saira Draper (House District 90). As a result, the pair will face off in the House District 90 Democratic Primary on May 21. 

Both women are our colleagues. Both women have reliable Democratic voting records. Some may say it doesn’t matter who wins. 

But we disagree. So much so that we are taking the unusual step of endorsing in a race between two sitting incumbents. 

In times like these, with rights and liberties at stake, and a Democratic majority within reach, we won’t mince words. We need Saira Draper back in the legislature. And it’s for a couple of different reasons. 

First, no one in our caucus knows voting rights and elections the way Saira does. When there is a question about voting legislation, the caucus looks to her for her expertise and contextual understanding. 

The AJC released an analysis earlier this month of the types of legislation considered during the 2024 legislative session. Voting bills made up a substantial portion of the bills that passed both chambers. Indeed, about 40 bills this session cover elections specifically. 

With voting bills being as consequential as they are, it’s a major advantage to have a colleague who can lead the response knowledgeably and effectively. And when the really bad election bills hit the floor, Saira is our fiercest fighter. She pulls no punches as she breaks down the other side’s bad faith arguments, calls out their misrepresentations, and explains to the public and the media exactly how Republicans are selling out Georgians’ fundamental rights in exchange for short term political gains. Simply put, Saira’s subject matter expertise is indispensable to us as a party trying to take back the majority. 

Second, Saira is an effective legislator. In our work, we need members who are nimble and can think on their feet. We need members who build relationships and work with others collaboratively. We need legislators who when they speak up, are noticed and respected not just by our party, but by the opposing party too. Saira embodies all of these qualities and more. Posing the right question, creating the right alliance, or making a timely objection can be the difference between a bill that becomes law or one that dies in committee. We’ve got to have strategic acumen on our side. 

In the upcoming primary, the residents of HD 90 have a choice. While we’ve enjoyed serving alongside both candidates, Saira Draper’s unique blend of expertise and effectiveness makes

her, in our eyes, the clear best choice. As we stand at a pivotal moment in Georgia’s political landscape, we urge our fellow Democrats to join us in supporting Saira Draper—a dedicated public servant who represents the future of our party.

State Representatives Stacey Evans and Tanya Miller

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